Prolaio needed help creating a SaaS data model to coordinate communication between patients and clinicians. Loka stepped in with AWS, serverless tech and expert teams and put the startup on the road to scalability, cost efficiency and streamlined data management for rapid market deployment.

Opportunity: Transition health data service to SaaS

To transition to a SaaS model, Prolaio needed help architecting and building a product backend and data plane that would enable seamless integration and efficient management of their clinical platform services. They also aimed to establish a scalable data science environment. In order to accelerate market entry, Prolaio needed DevOps and engineering expertise to accomplish these tasks on AWS within a tight timeframe, as they intended to conduct multiple clinical trials in the near future.

Loka teams included ML engineers, data engineers, backend engineers, project managers and DevOps.

Approach: Filter biometric data through ETL and ML

Loka incorporated external services such as Withings, Vivalink and Redox to collect biometric data. This information will undergo various ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes and be employed to enhance the machine learning algorithms being developed and refined by Prolaio.


Key Takeaways

AWS Tools Used